Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Treatment Fatigue

Dear Ones,

It has been too long, I apologize.

Living our day to day life, celebrating Christmas, making decisions about the house renovation, that's about all I have been up to, and it is about all I could have been up to:-)

I am finished with chemo, with three weeks of recovery since my last infusion. Radiation starts with a simulation next Wednesday and for real the following Monday, it is slated to last five weeks, five days a week.

I'm hunkered down inside somewhat these days. It is winter after all - a dark, fallow, resting, quiet time.

Reaching out has gotten more challenging. I so love to connect with people and it is simply exhausting too. This journey is in its eighth month, and I'm calling what I am feeling, treatment fatigue. It's been a long time of living in our alternate universe and I am becoming tired on another level beyond the physical and emotional.

I'm not complaining, simply expressing and explaining. I am also processing, and figuring out where I am in all of this, as I continue to be gentle and allow. Allow that take-out is ok some days, allow that I am still loved and remembered, even when I feel isolated, allow that a nap really is ok, allow the frustration, allow the sadness, allow the fears.

I can even allow that mild agoraphobia is ok, and that I'm rebuilding and it might be a time when being deeper inside, and even a bit isolated could be ok.

There are voices in my head that are debating that. I'll be gentle to my voices too.

I am so grateful for the freedom to have this experience. There are voices in my head who think I would be transformed and become a new improved version of myself, if only I was doing this better.

Well, I'm doing this as well as I can, moment to moment, and I don't know if that is going to happen, as far as I can tell, I'm still Amelia. This isn't the end of the story, I haven't even completed this chapter.

I can say, I am getting better and better at simply being Amelia, and having that be ok.

Blessings to you all,


- There are huge flocks of wintering ducks and swans playing on the South River by our house, I would so love to find the metaphor, connection, a story to tell. My brain is fuzzy though, so I will simply enjoy all the beautiful birds.

Today we had mallards and wood ducks and buffleheads, tundra swans and a mass of mergansers have arrived. Watching the diving ducks and tipping swans is simply a delight.


  1. Absolutely no need to apologize for doing what Amelia needs to do.

    As you continue to allow, remember that there are many of us out here who love you, whether the distance is geographical, generated by your need to go deep, or by the fatigue that is a consequence of your treatment.

    Your job in this alternate universe is to get through it as best you can (and you are!) with no need to take care of us.

    Love you.

  2. I had just been wondering what quiet Amelia was up to. It is such an interesting experience as a talker & coomunicator to be quiet. I go back and forth with this all the time myself.
    Your photos of your view are amazing - enjoy it!
    Sending you 4 big hugs!

  3. Sharing the way you do is so very precious. You are always in my prayers! Thanks for the lovely blog!!
