Thursday, September 22, 2011

Chemo-Cleanse 2 Day 2

Dear Ones,

Yesterday went well. The docs listened and heard us. I feel far more understood and taken care of. They felt a 25% reduction of the chemo-cleanse adriamycin and cytoxan was warranted, as well as some modifications to the pre-meds for nausea prevention.

So, the infusion went well, too. Claire was my nurse again, which felt very good, and I got more support and advice on how to manage this experience. We even went into the same semi-private room, since to window view was far too bright for my eyes.

Laura had asked Deb, our Nurse Practitioner, during our appointment if getting fluids this morning was an option, and it was agreed upon immediately, so that is where I am now. Back in the infusion center for a liter of saline and breakfast. Laura went down to the cafeteria and brought up breakfast; omelets and gluten- free toast. Thankfully, this time I was able to eat breakfast.

I don't feel great, low energy and the headache and nausea are lurking in the background. It seems that the slightest stimuli encourages these opportunistic gremlins to leap into action, so prevention seems to be the most important skill-set to develop.

I send you all saline drip
greetings and a gentle hug. My prayer for the next few days is for a gentle recovery that my body is able to manage gracefully. I hope I'll be up to small walks and sitting outside. We are planning a return visit to Longwood Gardens on our way home today.

Much love,


  1. Hey, thanks for the saline!
    Seriously, glad that your needs were heard.
    Supporting your prayer for a gentle recovery and small walks.
    Sending lots of love

  2. We are visiting Klaus's parents who live in a very idyllic part of southern Germany - rolling intense green fields filled with latte colored cows who wear low toned bells, the snow capped mountains in the background who send a cool wind. We took a walk today to feed the chickens and look at the cows which is one of C's favorite things to do. So we are sending you some cool refreshing mountain wind and some very cuddly hugs!
    You sound so much like you are going through a rebirthing process (or something like that since I am not yet up on your language yet). This can be an exciting process. Sending you LOTS of positive energy!!!!!!!!
