Dear Ones,
The moon was full and golden, and she kept me company as I ate an early morning snack that I have found calms the burning pain I feel when hungry.
I slept again, and when I woke the ducks were all outside the window. When I came closer to see, I discovered there were two does in the yard visiting also. As Laura and I watched, hummingbird arrived.
Downstairs again, and there is kingfisher, on the dock next door, paying us our first visit of the year.
I need to lean into trusting the presence of these guests and guides. My felt sense is overwhelmed by sensations that range from unpleasant to downright miserable. Meanwhile the demons that say don't trust, it's not safe, you are alone and you're not worthy have been stirred and boiled into action.
Round one, day six...
With prayers that I can feel and trust the love that fully surrounds me,
Hummingbird on feeder drinking deeply.
What a marvelous array of guests and guides to support you as you confront the demons!