Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Welcoming Vessel

Dear Ones,

On Monday morning, as you know, I am headed off for surgery to remove the tumor that is in my left breast. 

This tumor is a part of me, and it holds all sorts of stuff.  Certainly, it is a collection of cells who have gone awry, and are considered dangerous.  Yet I see and experience it as something else also.

It is also becoming a collection point, a welcoming vessel, a storage place for all that no longer serves me in my body, life or spirit.

On a physical level, it is connected to my whole body through blood vessels and lymphatic channels, so with ease, my body is shifting and moving toxins, waste products and energies into it, because they no longer serve me.

On a life or mind plane, all the energies, vibrations, experiences and stories that are of my past that I can shift beyond are moving to this same welcoming vessel.  She is deeply colored, jewel-like.  I can imagine Polly being able to construct such a vessel from many hues and colors of glass.  She is shaped like a gemstone that has come from the earth, not symmetrical, yet somewhat round, her edges are a bit amorphous, she has weight and presence.  She is my own little "vessel of requirement," as she has all the space within that is needed to hold and protect what I am letting go of.  She will transmute it, she will transform it, she is Goddess.

My spirit welcomes this Welcoming Vessel Goddess, she is renewal, she is trust, she is strength.  She is allowing my soul to release, she is renewal.

This is ceremony, it is a sacred time for me.  I ask you to hold this process gently with me as my Welcoming Vessel fills and shifts over the weekend.  I am so grateful to know what is happening for me in this process, so I can fully participate and welcome this experience. 

As the ceremony unfolds I will share it as I am able.

On Monday, the physical manifestation of this vessel, a tumor will be removed.  A few of my lymph nodes and surrounding tissue will go along for balance, information and security.  They will balance the offering, because a small bit of my healthy tissue is going along with the tumor and they will provide information and security through their testing after the surgery.

I do not know what information that testing will bring me.  It will inform further steps on my path.

I do not know where else this journey will take me either.  Thank you for stopping by my path and sharing your love and encouragement.  It is making this such a love and hope filled experience.  Your comments below are welcome, just click on the word "comment" below if there isn't a box open already.

Blessings to All!


  1. What a loving and full space you ave come to in this process. I am not surprised! Your writing, your understanding, and your description of the process and your "vessel of requirement" is inspiring and beautiful, as are you my dear friend. I am with you in love wherever this journey takes you.

  2. I feel like you are asking us to go on a very special cruise with you. Thank you. We will be with you in positive spirit tomorrow. Sending you the colors of healing light you need. Big, big hugs from the 4 of us!!
    Whitney, Charlotte, Henry & Klaus
