Sunday, November 11, 2018

Took Me a Moment

It took me more than a few moments to wrap my head around the news I received from my
oncologist recently.

No more mammograms for me... After seemingly a lifetime of breast smushing, with all the associated pain, anxiety, and dread, now all of a sudden I don't need to do it anymore.

Statistically, the breast cancer is not going to show up in my breasts anymore, so there is no need or value to getting mammograms.

Now, if only I can get through to the people who run all the online medical portals that I have to interact with, the portals that constantly remind me that I need to get screened for breast cancer... That part of the system is simply heartless and thoughtless in their eagerness.

But I digress, today I will allow for this change, and simply be glad that I no longer need to have mammograms. A bit of a letting go...

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