Monday, July 25, 2011

News from Monday

Well, Monday did finally come.   It was a long weekend without complete information.  Laura and I had it planned to be quiet, since I am really not even healed from surgery #1 and we had lots of time to talk, cry, question, consider and read to each other.

The calls started early and I am now scheduled for the next steps of this journey.

Tuesday, late morning I will have a PET/CT scan.  Tuesday evening, I'll be serving up some radioactive quiche if anyone wants to come over!  Laura can't be with me for this one because I am considered radioactive once the tracer is injected, however, they will send me right home afterwards even though it will take hours for it to leave my body. Gotta love the system.  I am also not allowed to use an iPod because I might have too much activity in my finger, I can watch TV, huh?

Wednesday, I'll get my hair done and close on my new house - whew!  It is my birthday, a biggie and my celebrations are completely different from anything I had ever imagined.  In fact all the planning got completely dropped when that lump appeared last month and now here we are.  A quiet evening is all I get, there will be no champagne for birthday or closing.  I pray and plan for a big bash down the road, I hope you will all join me.  And send a bit of extra love on Wednesday:-)

I have a second surgery on Thursday afternoon.  The axillary dissection will take place at 2pm.  Dr. Drogula will be traveling later in the month and this was the only spot they had in her schedule.  And, sooner is probably better than later, and OMG, I am going to have surgery twice in two weeks.  This surgery will remove the lymph nodes from beneath my arm as well as the fat pad they reside in.  Also, Dr. Drogula will place the port through which chemo-therapy can be administered.

This is scary, this is big.  I am being called to a much larger journey than we expected, apparently I am up to the task, as here it is.  My body is transforming something and I am shifting deeply.

There are many more things to write about and Sarah is with me tonight and I simply must go feed her and do her hair.

Much love to you all, thank you so much for your love and support.  I have never been so deeply on this side of that equation, it is truly, truly needed and appreciated.  Small notes of interest, caring and love do carry us through.

blessings to you all,


  1. My dear Amelia,

    You never know how strong you are until you need to be and you, my dear, are very strong. My big birthday was also modified but we will all help you celebrate the many blessings that are coming your way when the time is right. You know I'm very near by so you have only to let me know how best to help. I've often been reminded that it truly is more blessed to give. Soak in all the love and support for you as you have given to so many for so long.

    Healing love and hugs,

  2. Dear Amelia,

    Congratulations on the house! I know that has been a long drawn out process. You are with me in thought and prayers. I wish you all the best over the next days, weeks, months. I really enjoyed meeting Maw (sp) last week. What an amazing animal. Send my best to Laura.

    Prayers ascending,

  3. Dear Amelia and Laura,
    Thank you for sharing your experience. It is a reminder to me to live in a conscious way. I continue to pray for peace for you both and a clear way through. Hugs to you both.

  4. You have extra love and support coming all week.
    Love ya'

  5. Thank you all so much for staying in touch and sending us all your love. It means so much!

  6. It is a mark of your amazing heart that even now your life is focused on helping others, both within your immediate family and then reaching out to your family of friends. And still you continue to go further by sharing your journey with the world through this incredible journal.

    Even as we want to raise our voices like a tiny fist in the face of the power of the entire universe and demand a cosmic response, we understand that rage, even righteous rage, does not accomplish the task. Concordant peace and firm confidence in the ultimate resolution of everyone's being is the only way to channel all of the goodness that can bring healing.

    Of course, it is easy for me to speak. I am not facing what you deal with every moment of everyday. How tiring it must be, dealing with the disappointing news, managing to do all of those things necessary to ensure Sarah's confidence that all will be fine, having to spend time alone just when you want and need to be with the one you so deeply love.

    But know that in spite of our inability to truly understand the depth of your experience, all of us, indeed everyone who has ever met you, long and pray for the best for you on this journey. You are greatly loved.

  7. Sending lots of love to you all!!

    Looking forward to the birthday picnic. That wI'll be a real celebration.
